Thursday, August 23, 2018

Day 119, 30.5 miles!!

Wow! Earlier today I said I probably wouldn’t do any 30+ mile days in Washington and here I go already getting ahead of myself! It always seems that the first full day of hiking out of a town is always a big one, and today was no exception. 

Doobie and I left camp today at the same time. MAN is that kid fast! We only hiked together for about 15 minutes before I decided I couldn’t keep up and I slowed down to my “normal” pace.

Doobie and his ridiculously small pack...

I must admit today wasn’t very pretty and for the first half I felt like I was dragging along up some very steep hills with no purpose... There was lots of smoke in the air which definitely affected my breathing, I’m really getting sick of it... As for scenery it was all thick forest with some random clear cuts every now and then, but no real views! My body just pushed on like a robot.

A long way down to the creek!

At around 3:30pm I hit a river and ran into Alright! We caught up and hiked together for awhile until we came across a dirt road a few hours later. There I saw Omri! I hadn’t seen Omri since VVR in the Sierra! I forgot to take a picture but will try to remember tomorrow. Manza was also there and I was surprised that I had caught up so soon! 

I filled up two liters of water and started to climb up the third steep hill of the day. Oh yeah, this was another recurring theme of the day... STEEP! I’m honestly surprised that I made a 30 today in the tough grade! Almost 4 miles into the last climb, I came across a road where Omri and Alright had stopped and I felt that I should too. 30 miles what a day!!

Hazy sunset...

Thanks for reading!! 

1 comment:

  1. Impressive hiking! Especially after a couple of days in town. I’ve been tracking the air conditions and fires daily. Sure hoping the smoke clears out as that can’t be fun for hiking. And it impacts what you see I’m sure.
