Saturday, May 21, 2016

Day 31- May 20th

Today I didn't wake up until 
8:30am! Which is reaaaaallly sleeping in for me! The couch at Ed and Helen's was so much comfort than the hard dirt floor I'm used too! 

For breakfast we had blueberries, raspberries, granola cereal, bagels, and Gouda cheese, yum! (Thanks Helen)!

We had been planning to get back out to the trail early today, but we looked outside and the wind advisory was very apparent! All the trees near the house were being blown all around.

Pretty soon after breakfast it was off to Casa Jimenez for an all you can eat Mexican lunch! (Thanks Ed!)


After (Claire's looked like this too)

We were so stuffed that we had to take a nap back at the house! 

We filled up 5 liters each for the 27.5 dry miles to Wrightwood, and Ed dropped us back off at the trailhead near the McDonald's. The heat of the day had passed.

We passed under Interstate 15 through a creepy tunnel, one that many hikers had spent the night in before as we were sleeping in style!

We got totally lost in between the Interstate and the railroad tracks, there was a sandy, stinky, wet, brush-filled path that we accidentally went down for about a 1/4 of a mile. We realized we were lost, looked up our location, and got back on the trail. We only lost about 20 minutes.

We climbed up and out of windy Cajon Pass and enjoyed a short 5.19 mile day. We found a nice camp spot minutes before sundown, and set up before it got too cold.

Wind advisory lasts until tomorrow at 3am, so we'll get a nice early start and take out a big chunk of the 22.35 miles remaining to Wrightwood!

A big thanks to Ed and Helen for letting us stay with them, shower, do laundry, feeding us, and rest our weary and blistered feet. You guys are the best! Thank you mom and Sarah for getting in touch with them as well!

Everybody else:
-Thanks for reading!


  1. Glad it worked out and that we have such awesome family friends!

  2. David, we have known you for so long that you are part of our extended Hawaiian ohana, and now that we met Claire she is also part of the ohana. It was our pleasure to have you and Claire stay with us. In-n-Out and Casa Jimenez are two of my favorite eating places and thanks to you and Claire I got to enjoy them on Thursday and Friday! Have fun in Wrightwood and may the blisters be few and far between for the rest of your hike! Stay safe! Thanks, Sara and Kii for letting us know that they would be in the area. -- Ed and Helen
