Thursday, July 7, 2016

Day 77- July 5th

It had dipped below freezing last night, and everything that was outside was either frozen or had a layer of frost. Slippers (flip-flops), shoes, bear canisters, the entire tent! The mosquitos were once again ruthless and relentless as they were last night. I'm actually a little relived that we only have 40 miles left of this. 

In a couple miles we came across Bear Creek, the craziest ford we've seen yet. It really wasn't that bad. It just gets talked up a lot in Yogi's book and on Halfmile's app. I think it helped that we hit it in the morning when the river wasn't that swollen with the afternoon's accumulation of snow melt.

Soon after that we started climbing way up to Bear Ridge. It was a tough climb, but manageable.

At the top, with no view, we started back down. But we went waaaaaay further down then we went up. There must've been 30 super long switchbacks. I think we would've rather gone up again than down.

With an actual end goal that's not 3 months away, I feel like we're moving quickly and striving to get there. I've developed some new blisters on the bottom of my feet on the ball of my big toe. I think it's from all the up and down and the lack of tread on my shoes! 

These bad boys have lasted over 840 miles so far! 

After Bear Ridge, we came to a ford before the next climb up to Silver Pass. Coming out of the water after fording, Claire's Achilles tendon started to hurt severely to the point that she couldn't walk. We hung out for a few minutes and eventually she said she was good to go!

The next portion kicked my butt hard! We had stopped at 11:30 for an early lunch, and then again at 3:00 to cook up some potatoes. By 4:30 while I was struggling up the hill, I felt hungrier than I had ever been! The elevation change and the elevation itself in the Sierra make you really hungry, all the time. I didn't account for this and am already rationing my food for the next two days. Claire, being awesome, have me a few of her snacks so I could make it. You're the best babe! 

We started following a stream and soon came to a GORGEOUS waterfall cascading trail side. It was breathtaking! Water so clean and ice cold it was a perfect spot to drink right from the source!

In awe, I remembered why we were out here in the first place, quit thinking about getting off the trail, and mustered up the hill! We switchbacked a few more times way above the falls, and then popped out up above the falls itself across the stream from a beautiful cliff. And that's where we made our home.

Our most epic campsite yet! Feet away from a dramatic cliff into the valley below that we had climbed out of. Positioned straight on the stone top of the flat, no dirt or sand to stake into. Just large rocks holding down each side. No rain fly, just us and the open world. Now THAT'S living on the edge. (Or at least sleeping on the edge.)

This is what I had imagined for us in the Sierra, not getting swarmed by 1000's of mosquitos lake-side while trying to cook dinner. Unfortunately there were still mosquitos up here and we were required to suit up, but they weren't nearly as bad as we've seen.

Today we went 15.21 miles, and again, we are POOPED! Popped and eating soup :) Only 2 more days until Mammoth, woo-hoo!

-Thanks for reading!


  1. Soooo thankful that you both made it across Bear & Evolution Creeks safely!
    Ooooooohhhh! EPIC campsite!

    1. Yeah! I had been worried because I heard so many scary things about those two crossings!
