Thursday, July 7, 2016

Day 79- July 7th

We did it! We walked over 900 miles (over 1/3) of the Pacific Crest Trail!

Today we hiked an easy 6 miles downhill towards Reds Meadows. For the most part it was an old burn section. The miles flew by sat and we didn't talk much. We were both doing a lot of thinking..

What was I thinking about? Thinking about the last 2 1/2 months. Thinking if we were doing the right thing by getting off the trail. Thinking if I could or should go on to Canada solo. Thinking about life back in Portland. Thinking about this summer's adventures both past and future. Thinking about things I will do differently when I come back for the PCT. Thinking about how sad everyone will be when they find out. Thinking about how I'll explain it. Thinking about how not broke I'll be by leaving the trail early. Thinking about my next job. Thinking about how hard it was to save up and quit jobs to leave. Then realizing it wasn't hard at all! Wondering if I'm a "quitter" or if I just compromised for my girlfriend out of love and for her/our happiness this summer. Thinking about how much I love Claire. Thinking about how much she means to me. It all made sense. This WAS the right thing to do. I WILL be back again. I'm only 26 for crying out loud! I won't let this get away from me :)

Just past Red's Meadows is a junction for Rainbow Falls about .8 miles of the trail. We decided to go down and check it out! I'm glad we ended with this view instead of just walking off the trail through Reds Meadow to get on a bus. It was beautiful!

We took a shuttle to Mammoth Mountaim Resort where mountain bikers were taking the gondola up the mountain to zoom down the dirt runs and jumps. We then took a free bus into Mammoth and searched for a place to eat! 

I'm not lying when I tell you we are ALL this food, two beers each, AND the largest fried ice cream dessert I've ever seen in my life! Sooooo good. And a great way to celebrate Claire's late Bday as well as our 900 miles of PCT this summer! 

We are officially getting off the trail here in Mammoth Lakes. We'll probably hitchhike to Reno, Nevada, and then fly back to Portland in the next few days.

If this post confuses you, refer to my post on July 4th and all shall be revealed. Again, a big thank you to all who have followed our adventure. Sorry that we didn't make it all the way to Canada but sometimes life changes up your adventures and you just have to enjoy the ride! I have decided to use this same blog when I re-do the trail in either summer of 2018 or 2019, and in the meantime I might be posting a few more shorter backpacking trips or adventures this summer so stay tuned! And, as always, 

-Thanks for reading! 


  1. THANK YOU for writing. I've enjoyed following along with every word and every picture. Hugs!

    1. Thank you for being such a consistent reader Sarah! I can feel your proud-ness! (Not a word), much love!

  2. You have so many stories to tell and pictures to share. Nobody is gonna be upset that you didn't finish it, 900+ miles is more than most people will do in a lifetime. We are excited to see you again back in PDX!

    1. Thanks Andrew! We are back and have found a new apartment on Rosa Parks, we will invite you to the house-warming!

  3. Congratulations to you for what you have done. 900 miles!! I can't even begin to imagine, but at least you have let us share your journey through this blog. Your writing, the fabulous pictures and the rawness that is life all vividly coming to life. So glad to hear, David, that you will be continuing to write. I have not doubt you will complete the thru-hike. Thank you SOOO much for taking such great care of Claire. I happen to think she is pretty special, too. With your approach to life, you will have many, many more adventures and continue to move and positively affect the people you meet along the way. I do happen to know a dog that will sure be happy to see you soon as well. Cheers and hugs..

    1. Thank you thank you thank you Dona for all of your support of Claire and I during this trip. Your help and loving generosity has been GREATLY appreciated! Your encouraging words and awesome care-packages helped us through for sure! Can't wait to see you and Starlite in a few days!

  4. Just wanted to tell you I really enjoyed your blog. My son John, aka "Bud" or "BassPro" and his buddy Strider are on the PCT and you've always seemed to be only a day or two ahead or behind them. So thanks so much for the fascinating narrative and beautiful pictures! Best of luck to you and Claire.

    1. I feel like we might've "leap-frogged" them 3 or 4 times in our last few days just before Mammoth Lakes! Thank you so much for reading!

  5. Josh's mom here!
    CONGRATULATIONS on accomplishing over 900 miles. WOOHOO!!!!
    Haven't received a SPOT check from him since Thursday but after reading your blog and looking at the scenery I can understand why:)))

    WoW over 900 miles!
    What an adventure you have had!
    Blessings on your 're-entry':)

    1. Hi! Such a pleasure to meet you!! I'm sure he is just fine! Josh is probably the most positive person we met on the trail, and it was so fun to hike with him for a number of days on a few separate occasions. We have made a new friend for life! Thank you for reading, and tune back in in a couple years for the re-do!

  6. Hope you get your job back at the tin shed. We met you there a few days before you left and loved your energy and thats why I followed your story here. Best of luck with the summer and I'm looking forward to following your next adventure.


    1. Yes, I remember!! I was instantly and graciously welcomed back and have worked a shift already and a few more later this week. Stop in soon and stay tuned for more summer adventures! Thanks for reading!

  7. David and Claire,

    I've read every one of your postings and viewed in awe all the pictures you uploaded. I smiled with happiness when you described the amazing scenery you guys encountered, and I worried for each of you as I read the blogs describing your health scares.

    I've often heard people speak of the beauty our country holds. Thanks to the incredible stroll you guys took (only kidding, I know it took a lot of planning, guts, stamina, and desire) I was able to see about 900 miles of that beauty from ground level (as opposed to sitting in a jet at 35,000 feet).

    Am I disappointed that you guys did not finish? Not in a million years! Do I think you guys are quitters? Again, not in a million years! Every single day of our lives we have to make choices, some easier than others. But we make the choice that is right for us at that moment and continue our journey through life. I hope that 10 years from now you and Claire will sit together on a nice comfy sofa and read your entire blog out loud to each other and look at all the pictures you posted. I have no doubt that at that point you will look back and still agree that you made the right decision. Neither of you will have any regrets.

    I have tons of respect and admiration for you and Claire and this amazing adventure you both shared together. May the rest of your life be equally as amazing!


    1. Thank you for your touching comment Uncle Ed! Thanks so much for the support near Cajon Pass. When I re-do the PCT I'll definitely be hitting you guys up again :) Mexican buffet round two!!

  8. Hi David and Claire-- I just got caught up on the past 10+ days of your blog and the trials (illness, route change, terrain, mosquitos), triumphs (Whitey, ice fields, 8300 elevation change in a day) and the georgeous scenery (Whitney, Kearsarge, Mather Pass sunset and so many lakes!) It has been a privilege to follow your adventure and get a second hand glimpse of so much amazing geography/scenery and to get a sense of life on the trail. You two have been inspiring, not just in your physical feat but also in how you are respecting each other's wishes in making the decision to leave the trail now. Rest assured, I have no disappointment, only gratitude! Enjoy some R&R and getting reaccilimated to daily life in Portland again. Hope to see Claire in yoga again one of these days :). Take care-- Laurie Ayers Pino

    1. Thank you Laurie! I'm so glad you e been reading along!

  9. Hey guys, my wife and I have really enjoyed reading your epic adventure. 900 miles, that is awesome!!!. Don't hang your heads down low, you two got to experience and see things that 99% of us will never get to see. Life is about learning experiences. I am sure you have made a tone of mental notes on what you would do differently, take those notes and learned experiences and apply them to your epic adventure. Thanks for taking us all on your journey. If you are ever out in the Palm Spring area looks us up, we will go hiking in Joshua Tree...Randy Huffman
