Friday, May 25, 2018

Day 35, Zero Day

Started today off with strawberry pancakes!! :) Yummmm!! Ryan had gone to work and Julian and I slept in. When we woke up, Rachel was whipping up some great pancakes, they were so good! (Were so spoiled!) 

We spent the morning catching up on phone things, like deleting the Southern California maps and downloading the Sierra maps. (The Southern California map section ends in Tehachapi). That felt very satisfying! Then I shared my loose Soerra resupply plan with Julian since we’ll most likely be hiking together at that point and I’m a little more familiar with that section of the trail since I have it a go in 2016.

We headed out to the Big 5 sporting goods store so Julian could buy a new shirt (his ripped in the back), and so that I could buy some more sunscreen. Then we had a big lunch at Del Taco!

Sporting Ryan’s shorts!

I also hit the Dollar General Market to but just a couple more food items for the next 5 day stretch. Speaking of food, here’s mine:

~5 days of food, most of which came from Claire and my mom! Thanks so much for your packages! :)

Ryan and Rachel’s house

After lunch and errands it was time to relax HARD! I took a nice nap, (of course), talked to Claire, and soon, it was time to think about dinner! What else is there in the world to think about besides hiking and eating?! 

When Ryan came home the two offered us their bikes to use since we wanted to go check out a cool sushi place about 2 miles away. It was so great to turn the 40 minute walk into a 10 minute bike ride! 

Sorry for the red lines, stupid front camera!

Sweet bike bath, “Look Ma, no hands!”

Well, the sushi place had a super long wait and we were really hungry, so we went to TK’s Pizza instead! It was there we ran into another hiker we had met near Wrightwood named Drippy. We also saw Joseph! I ate A LOT!

Huge salad, peanut butter milk stout

Garlic chicken pesto and spinach

After eating so much and being so full, we had to bike it off!

Sweet bike path that leads right to Ryan’s!

We had a great rest day, our bodies are feeling great, and we’re excited to hit the trail tomorrow! Ryan is going to drop us off at the trailhead on his way to work before 6:45am! So great! Less than two weeks until the Sierra!!

Thanks for reading!

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