Saturday, July 14, 2018

Day 80, 19.6 miles

I woke up nice and early in the church grounds, picked up my things, and headed two blocks down to the Kopper Kettle Cafe for some breakfast. I don’t know why but I will ALWAYS order a breakfast burrito when being indecisive. It always is a good choice and is never a regret. While I was there I saw Walking Home and Skitch. They are the couple from Bellingham I first saw in Belden, and who I hitched into Chester with yesterday. We left the cafe at the same time and hitched out together as well! 

We walked across town to try and catch cars leaving from the west side, figuring we’d have better chances. Since they live in the NW too I brought up skiing and snowboarding and it turns out their son Cameron is a semi-pro snowboarder! After about 20 minutes we finally got a ride, and Popcorn and Daddy were already in the car! I met Daddy in the Sierra. He’s 7ft tall and has lost over 70 pounds in the trail so far! He recently had a bad bout of giardea, and had to go to the hospital in Chester. He’s feeling better now and we hiked on and off all day.

The trail grade was easy and fast, which was perfect because I felt lazy and slow for some reason. It might be because of the heat and mugginess of the day. It was overcast all day but very very muggy and clammy feeling. I’d almost rather a hotter but drier day! Within 5 miles we were in Lassen Volcanoc National Park, and just after noon started seeing little side-trails to geological attractions. Since we had less than 20 to Drakesbad, we decided to take them all. My camera only worked for about an hour today, and I was at least able to get pictures of Terminal Geyser and Boiling Lake!

Terminal Geyser


Boiling lake 

It was actually boiling!!

About 5 miles later we hit Drakesbad Ranch. This is a small resort that offers cabins and dining to visitors to Lassen. I hiked about .8 miles past it on the PCT to set up my tent for the night before heading in. I put my food in a nearby bear box, and then walked down the long driveway to get to the “resort”. I didn’t know what to expect but was pleasantly surprised when the person working there told us we could shower and use the Hot Spring Pool if we were planning on eating dinner with them. Armed with a towel and body soap and my special dread shampoo, I went and had one of the best indoor showers I’d ever had! 

When I got out and went to the pool, o saw Spooked and Mrs Frizz from Portland! I hadn’t seen them since mid-Sierra, easily 600 miles back! It was great to catch up! Just before 7pm everyone headed up to the busy restaurant where they had stopped serving their guests and were preparing to serve us! There were a lot of us hikers, maybe ~20, so it was a bit of a mess to get everyone’s food and drink orders, but about an hour later, I was eating delicious salad with large pieces of beets and then a GREAT salmon dinner with asparagus and potatoes! 

Basically at Drakesbad, is hikers are the “finishers” of whatever is left after all paying guests are done eating. We get a discount and pay $18 instead of $23, which is still a little steep but the food was quality and it comes with a shower so I couldn’t complain!! I DO wish I was able to take more pictures, but as it was I had to restart my phone at the geyser a few times just to get it to work! Sorry guys..

At around 8:45pm I finally finished eating and headed back the half mile back to my tent. I camped about 50 yards out of the actual paid camping area ($16 for a three tent site), and I just used the hiker box for my food! Always trying to save those few dollars! 

Well, today was a pretty easy and lazy day. Tomorrow I expect to at least get to Old Statiom which is in 27, and most likely go a little bit more after I eat a big dinner there. Man, I am getting so spoiled with all the trailtowns/places to stop and eat! 

Thanks for reading!!


  1. Great pics!! I admire how you figure out how to save 💰 out there.
